The 2010 version of "The Wolfman" placed stock in the advanced abilities of new wave CGI effects to make the transformation from man to beast into a believable event. While the CGI effects were in fact great, as displayed in slow-motion in the video below, they were not enough to carry the movie from the depths of boring humor that pervaded this train wreck of a film. The plot of the film takes place majoritivty in the Blackmoor Woods which is of course full of fog at all times. The film tried to use this blanket of mystery to heighten suspense, but instead due to poor high lighting just made it very hard to see what was happening. The scene I selected (Top) was one of the few well done moments of the whole film the light from the full moon illuminating a fully wolfed out BeniciodelToro, howling over a 19th century London as the "beast had his day." This scene's dominate figure is the wolfman, with a secondary dominance on the moon and it high key light shining down. The scene is loosely framed with the Wolfman's back to the camera at a three-quarter turn, with a slight up angle showing the figures dominance over the city perhaps and maintaining his separation from the audience by being turned away at the same time. But even in the well detailed CGILondon being looked down upon the fog remains giving the scene a morose feeling. Overall this film made me laugh more than it scared me, but I did dig the bone twisting effects.
check to make sure that your video fits into the blog. If you cannot remember how to do it, go see Brian. Also, you were supposed to compare 1941 and 2010 films. Did you not read the prompt correctly?
check to make sure that your video fits into the blog. If you cannot remember how to do it, go see Brian. Also, you were supposed to compare 1941 and 2010 films. Did you not read the prompt correctly?