Friday, September 17, 2010

Phillpott- The Wolf Man

It is evident from both Wolf Man movies that the times have changed in regards to movie graphics. In the 1941 version, the change from man to wolf man was strictly left up to the audience's imagination. The film did not have subordinate aesthetically pleasing technology. The movie showed Lon Chaney Jr.'s legs go from human to hairy "wolf" legs in gradual increments over a few seconds. Then, the film showed that Lawrence Talbot had suddenly had a complete transformation into a werewolf. The audience is forced to suspend their disbelief without help from believable makeup or costumes.

On the other hand, the 2010 version held nothing back. The audience simply had to sit back and relax. There was no action taking place in the dark. Everything was front and center for the audience to watch and comprehend. The new transformation was achieve through CGI. Although, some may think the CGI wasn't very believable it allowed the audience to see exactly what this monster entailed. You are allowed to see the bone structure change. You get to see his eyes become a wolf-like color and shape. The audience also is allowed to see his "attacks," blood and all. The transformation also shows how Lawrence Talbot's face grows a snout to become wolflike. The computer generated images in this version may not be the most believable so the audience might have to still use their imaginations in regards to this film. For both versions the audience has to suspend their disbelief, but you will always have to do that when watching a monster movie!

1 comment:

  1. Always check to make sure your images post. The second image is broken; you need to edit this blog to repair it. Do you think that relax is the right word for watching the 2010 version of the film? Which wolfman is actually more believable?
