Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wolfman Comparisons Olivia Tucker


There are obviously many differences between the 2010 Wolfman and the 1941 Wolfman. Mostly being the effects, obviously the lighting the coloring and helped to make the '10 version more realistic and scary compared to just black and white. Also the changes in character relationships definitely became more "hollywood". For instance in the '41 film Gwen is just a local owner of an antique shop. While in the '10 film she is Ben's fiance which ofcourse makes things more dramatics when her and Lawrence find they have feelings for eachother. But one of the main differences would be the special effects. There is alot more blood and gore in the '10 film and the transformation scene looks more realistic. In the '41 film the transformation scene is just all around unconvincing while in the '10 Wolfman the transformation scene could be the best part. Also the ending is a very big difference between the two films. In the '41 film it just ends with Lawrence running away from the police turning into his human form while in the '10 film the plot is brought to a better ending that ties up most of the loose ends with Gwen shooting him. Ofcourse the '10 fil mwas more convincing and enjoyable to watch but I did find that it was too long and seemed to be dragged out. Also I thought the actor, Benicio Del Toro, wasn't very convincing. But all around the movie was well made and the settings were beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, You need to post your last nam first in the title, Tucker Wolfman Comparisons. You have no labels. You need to put your full name and some tags in your label: olivia tucker, monsters, comparisons, transformations, etc. Your picture link is broken. Please be sure to check your blog to make sure everything is in order. Check your grammer. When she and Lawrence, not when her and L. What about cinematic techniques in the two films?
