The '10 version does more of a gruesome transformation. The computer generated transformation is interesting to look at but hard to take in. Lawrence's transformation appears to be more painful. Bones are breaking and changing. His teeth are getting sharper and his muscles are growing. The '10 werewolf looks like a body builder who got a hold of some bad steroids. This werewolf has more beastly characteristics. It runs on all fours and possesses amazing strength. The computer generated werewolf is hands down a better looking werewolf.
The techniques used in both films were great. They made both look realistic. You could tell that both were not in homemade Halloween costumes. The technology in 2010 was not available in '41 but the werewolf was believable. The '41 version gave filmmakers a foundation and it has evolved ever since then. If you see the werewolves in "Underworld" or "American Werewolf" films you'll notice that they are each have their distinctive characteristics. No two werewolves are the same.
Keep in mind that the 2010 version is CGI. So it isn't really Del Toro; rather, it is a Computer Generated Image. Also, look at what happens in the scenes while the transformation is taking place.