Blade Runner is a science fiction film set in the dystopian Los Angeles in the year 2019. In this film there are replicants, who are biologically engineered humans designed to serve as soldiers in the off world colonies. These replicants are considered the outcast, as they are not permitted on earth. They have a life span of 4 years in order to prevent them from developing emotions and a desire for independence. 4 replicants have escaped to earth and Harrison Ford's character is contracted to hunt them down and "retire" them. This is how Blade Runner deals with the outcast: extinction. In order to determine whether people are real humans or replicants, they are subject to an empathy test, which proves one's authenticity as a human.
In the film, Ford's boss Bryant reports “I’ve got four skin-jobs, walking the streets,” this echos throughout the streets for all to hear. This displays the way the replicants were treated in this film, as unwanted outsiders. Replicants who were found on earth were to be "retired" by blade runners. Replicants can be seen as the minority in this film.
This film brings up many unanswered questions, like is empathy the only thing that makes us human? These questions leave the viewer wondering, which in turn leaves the viewer thinking about Blade Runner.
It is interesting that you refer to replicants as biologically engineered "Humans." What does this imply for you?