As the blind man says as he is dealing drugs to a cop, "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king." Justice is always shows as wearing a blindfold and holding her scales in one hand and her sword in the other, this represents the three ideas behind social justice; balance, indiscrimination, and retribution. In the film "Minority Report" the idea of blind justice has gone a step further than in the past. In this future world the exists the law enforcement agency of "Pre-crime," where three psychics who can see a murder before it takes place. These people are used to prevent murders from taking place, however this is where their abilities end, only murder tears up the human psyche enough to register in these cognitions. This creates a nearly murder free society of citizens who are terrified of killing someone else, but can negate all other social constructed criminal acts without fear of reparation. As Terri Murray said in the article, "Promoting the deterministic model re-locates social evils in the individual or within human nature itself, while distracting attention from social and institutional inequities." With this system in place the man having sex with another persons wife seen at the beginning of the film feels safe enough in this action to hang around in the park outside of the families home and watch the husband leave, the cop feels safe enough to buy drugs from a dealer in the street, and illegal doctors can preform surgeries to give out new eyes free from punishment. In this type of society justice has turned her eye from everything but the most heinous of crimes while society as a whole suffers without her attention. Justice is out of balance and can not deliver retribution fairly when those who have yet to commit a crime are still sent to jail. The social system of this future world goes without judgment because justice can see only one thing in this land. She represents the one eyed man, who's one eye sees only murders and murderers and nothing else.
Justice is always shown wearing a blindfold. Person's wife is possessive. Proofread your work. Good point about justice in the film. It certainly is out of balance, and it does discriminate. So two out of three are not present in the Pre-Crime Unit. Only retribution is.
Justice is always shown wearing a blindfold. Person's wife is possessive. Proofread your work. Good point about justice in the film. It certainly is out of balance, and it does discriminate. So two out of three are not present in the Pre-Crime Unit. Only retribution is.