Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, starring Tom Cruise, is about a future in which PreCogs exist. PreCogs have the ability to tell the future in relation to when a crime is going to be committed. People say that they are always right, and that if no intervention is made, the crime is definitely going to happen. A police force in Washington D.C is created to intervene before these crimes can be committed. This has caused crime in the nation’s capitol to come to an almost stop. The industry argues that they are so effective that they are stopping people from even thinking about committing murders because they are so afraid. The problem is that not only are they stopping these crimes, but they are arresting and incarcerating these people, who haven’t committed a crime. They aren’t criminals. The crime was stopped. Tom Cruise plays John Anderson, who is the Chief of the Department of Pre-Crime. His name comes up as a person who is about to murder someone. The other name is a man he doesn’t know yet. The story plays out and shows the flaw in the Pre-Cogs.
This industry has made outcasts of people who haven’t done anything wrong. They might have had bad intentions, but by law that’s not enough. In “Our Post Moral Future?” Murray addresses this very issue. The whole fact that the crime is stopped before it happens means that the crime never happened. The person can’t be arrested for something they never did. Murray says that there is no perpetrator nor is there a victim. By calling it a crime, you re-defining what a crime is.
Tom Cruise's character is named John Anderton, not Anderson. Person is singular, so use her or she not they. Please proof blogs before posting. YOu really don't analyze the article or the film, you simply summarize.