Monday, November 22, 2010

Fisher & Barkley: One Minute Film

This film is a one minute montage of CC's coffee on Loyola campus. Filmed by Ms. Barkley and edited by Mr. Fisher. We very much enjoyed the creative process of choosing a topic for our film and actually filmed a few movies. However, it turned out that the most simple film fit. The editing process was fun and we will use iMovie much more in the future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You each need to make more complete comments on the successes and failures of your film making project. Otherwise an interesting film.

  3. Overall I felt like if given time to deliberate more over this project that the end product could have been better for each group. We spent our time on campus filming various different short films in multiple locations. When it came down to decision time, I scraped the edited film I was working on and went with this montage made by Ms. Barkley.

    Successes: A basic and simple film that fits the time requirements and gives an overview of the CC's on campus. Alot of films made to choose from or take pieces from.

    Failures: Not enough time to produce a pristine product. Too many ideas, need to focus on perfecting one idea instead of filming a bunch of them.

  4. What I Learned: iMovie is so much easier to use than most any other (free) video editing program.
