Friday, October 22, 2010

Iqbal, The Social Network

It’s interesting to see that practically everyone wrote about this movie. The Social Network is a movie based on the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and also about the making of Facebook. Facebook has become one the biggest success stories of our generation. It spread like wildfire went it was made available to the general public. The movie takes a course through the making of Facebook. The movie starts off showing a scene in which Zuckerberg is sitting in a room full of lawyers. The scene gives the audience a taste of what was actually going on behind Facebook. I really felt the movie was well edited. Also, each of the actors acted well on their own accord. However, I was very impressed with Jesse Eisenberg who played Mark Zuckerberg. In my opinion, he grasped the character very well. I have seen him acting in Zombieland and wasn’t that taken aback by his acting as I was by The Social Network. Eisenberg portrayed a character whom was not only brilliant but also a social outcast. Even though according to Mark Zuckerberg, majority of the story for The Social Network is fiction, the story developed in the movie very smoothly. The scenes kept switching from the discussions of the different scenarios with lawyers to the scenarios the way they actually happened. It was also interesting to see how an innocent program blew up to this massive business. It was also interesting to see the ups and downs that come along with great success. It showed the reality of how having fame and money at a young age effected people. There were several key points in the movie *SPOILER ALERT*. One was in which Zuckerberg got dumped by his girlfriend Erica Albright which then led to him making the rating program which allowed students to rate girls on Harvard’s campus. The next one came when the Winklevoss twins and Divya called Zuckerberg over to help them program Harvard Connection. Another key point was when the facebook was launched by Zuckerberg, which led Saverin to lend money to Zuckerburg to start it and also the Winklevoss twins realization that Zuckerberg stole their idea. It continues onto the next point where Zuckerberg moves to California and meets Napsters founder Sean Parker. The last point in the movie was the breaking of the friendship between Saverin and Zuckerberg. The movie kept my interest especially by the contrast between the room with the lawyers to the actual reality of what happened. I also found it astonishing how the Zuckerberg kept his cool while he had four people suing him. Also, I found it pretty heart breaking that Zuckerberg just sat there and allowed his friendship to be destroyed. In all, The Social Network was a good movie with great performances by underrated actors.

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