Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Villacreces: Movement in George of the Jungle

The first time I watched George of the Jungle I was 7 years old. As a 7 year old I thought the movie was funny, but watching after 13 years I now realize that the movie mocks the idea of a jungle man entering a civilized world.

The scene that I chose to analyze movement from is the scene in which George is running around with horses and the the ladies looking at him. The main idea of this scene is that Jane falls in love with George during this scene. She realizes that once the other ladies in her same social status accept George as a "hottie" she is allowed to see him that way as well. She does not feel ashamed of being attracted to George as much. Although the ladies accept George as a "man", the men in this scene do not pay attention to George. One of the men say "what is it with women and horses",not mentioning George at all. This proves that the men do not see George as an equal or as competition. They see George as less than a man because he is form the jungle, he is not civilized and he is not part of their world. All this information is portrayed in this 2 minute scene. This scene does not present a literal idea, it presents the essence of the idea that the audience can notice while watching this scene.
While looking at this scene you notice that the frame is loose. You see George moving around freely with the horses. He is himself with the horses and not and not all tied up in a suit pretending to be someone he is not.
In this scene you have two different frames, George and the other one is Jane looking a George Because Jane is falling in love with George, the frame of George is in slow motion, she sees George as the perfect man for her. The use of slow motion defines this moment.
This scene is just two minutes long and presents that the self realization of Jane, and the free spirit of George.


  1. Why the large blank space. I like your point about women and horses.

  2. I put in a video in that space, blogger is not posting the video. I will try again.
