George of the Jungle as a movie is very loyal to its attempt to satirically tell the story of a boy growing up in the jungle. A talking ape teaches him how to live in the jungle, then he has to teach him how to show his affection to a girl. The fourth wall is often broken during this film. The narrator or a character speaks of the movie, or George (Brendan Frasier) slightly goes out of character.
The movement in this movie is used in the best way, to show the audience the silliness of this entire film. During the scene where George is swinging to save the girl, it appears that he is flying at the speed of a jet plane. His swing is drawn out for too long, giving the audience a feeling of faux suspense. The movie makes it apparent that the characters are going to make it out alive, and George and the girl will live happily ever after.
The movement is a pivotal technique used in this film. A lot of movement is obviously fake, and a lot of acting seems intentionally horrible. But this is what I like about the movie and what makes it work.
First of all, you have no last name in the title of your post. It has been half a semester, so you could have learned that by now. Also, your label needs to have more than just your full name and the name of the film. What about movement, satire, etc? You might also talk about different kinds of movement.