The movie I saw over fall break was Easy A starring Emma Stone and Amanda Bynes. Now I know what you guys are thinking, “why would anyone want to willingly see that movie”? And I’ll tell you something, it was pretty entertaining. It definitely had those cheesy moment where you feel awkward that you’re actually watching this movie, but all in all it made me laugh and connect with characters which is the basic aim of any film (well not always laughing; sometimes crying, screaming, etc. but you get the point). The way it was edited together made for an interesting film, because every once in a while Olive (Emma Stone) would interrupt in order to give more input into the scene at hand which gave a more personal feel to the movie overall. It was funny to see the return of Amanda Bynes considering the character she played was a super Christian, which she brought to life very well. All of the actors seemed to complement one another very well, which helped achieve movement through the film and put the audience in a comfortable position with the characters. Now like I said, the movie did have a few parts where it was overly cheesy, but that is to be expected in a teen flick no matter what year it is. Sixteen candles, Pretty in Pink, practically any Molly Ringwald movie you’ve seen, has this certain comedic, cheesy charm that can not be passed up. It is a classic aspect of any teenage film you are ever gonna see, and that’s what makes them so fun to watch.
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