Sunday, October 10, 2010


My avatar would Effy from the British television show, Skins. Effy doesn’t say much, but everyone knows who she is and her reputation. She always marches to the beat of her own drum regardless of what anyone thinks. She has killer style and doesn’t give a fuck what people think about her. Effy comes off as hard, but she would do anything for her family and her small circle of friends. She holds her family together and acts as a counselor to her friends when they need help.

I don’t do hard drugs like Effy, but I can relate to her in many other ways. I deeply care about those that are close to me, but I don’t take bullshit from other people. I’m constantly doing my own thing and going against the crowd. I want people to see me as different. I think it’s extremely important to stand out so people will notice me and listen to me when I have something to say. It’s also important that my friends and family see me as strong I want them to know that they can come to me with any of their problems. It’s important to me that people see me as someone they can lean on when they don’t know who else to turn to.

I want people to see me as hardworking. I work 25 hours a week and go to school and I love when people acknowledge how hard I work at both. I look up to people that work hard and it’s important that I embody that quality as well.

1 comment:

  1. Jayme, I have never seen the program, but I will try to find it on TV. While I don't agree with you about style (given the picture), I do think you do a good job of convincing me that she is a very worthwhile character.
