Sunday, October 10, 2010

Robert Johnson Avatar

My personal avatar would have to be this bad-ass picture (one of only two verified known published photos) of Robert Johnson. The mysteriousness and harsh glare from Johnson makes me really relate to the photo. It's perfect...cigarette hanging from his lips, guitar across his body, and a look in his eyes of "I don't give a fuck" that pierces right through you. He represents a "real" man, as in a man that keeps it real. You can tell from this photo that Robert Johnson would tell you like it is with just a few choice words. He was a man of great talent and great mystery. Robert Johnson was the father of the blues, and one of the most influential musicians of all time. He created a legend unlike anyone else with his devil at the crossroads tale, and his incredible ability to create music. That is why I would have to choose this specific image to represent me.

1 comment:

  1. Since your name is not Robert Johnson, and since you do not put your last name in the title, nor do you put your full name in the label (you do not have a label), I am concerned that you are not really listening or reading my comments. Are you a blues player? I took off a point for failure to follow directions.
