Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mathey. meaning of the movements in George of the Jungle.

George of the jungle was a funny and good movie overall. The movie came out in 1997 andI think they made a great job without the technology we have today. The elephant that is made by CGI in the movie actually looks pretty real which is impressive but the most important characteristic of this movie was the use of movements. The meaning of the different way the characters are moving or the frame they are given is pretty dominant along the movie. The scene I chose to analyse is the last one when George is trying to get Ursula back when she is going down the stream with her evil boyfriend. There were a lot of close up moves on each characters in order to notice their face expressions. We can tell that Ursula is scared and worried for her life struggling to survive in the boat. George is also worried because he is swinging really fast and is not sure what is going to happen. The directors keep changing the focus on each characters, one time on Ursula, then George and so on. When Georges is about to save his love, the face expressions change. Ursula's face suddenly changes from scared to happy. There also are some public shots where we look at the characters from a farther distance. For example, when George is swinging on the vine, the camera is looking up to him to show how important he is. There is a parallel similarity during this scene. While George is swinging and gaining speed in the air, ursula is also going down the stream faster and faster on the boat, they also keep the characters in the center of the screen so we do not lose them in this high speed chase.

1 comment:

  1. Good comparison of parallel movements. Nice You Tube clip as well.
