I chose my avatar to be skydiving because it represents what my life is like. I love extreme sports and I am always looking for this adrenaline boost in my life. I feel like we are not living life properly if we are never taking risks. Life should be thrilling, living to the fullest means doing things that mankind does not do normally. Skydiving for me is magic, When I am free falling and the sky is all around and the sun shines upon me, it gives me this feeling of freedom which is unique. You can never experience this anywhere else in the world. Back on earth, I am just another man that is conforming to laws, rules, and norms. In the sky however, I am fighting gravity which also represents my fight against normality. I want to be different. Even though people look down on you, deep inside it does not matter because you know that you set yourself apart from them. The values of skydiving that represents me are beauty, freedom, insanity, and the deep connection and understanding with the world around me. From up there, the landscape is just breathtaking and having nothing around you is just a great feeling that sets you free. This is how I feel in my life when I am not three thousands meters in the air. Even though I am surrounded by many people that might not feel the same way, I always keep my mindset. Insanity because it takes a lot of courage and will to jump out of a plane and doing it over and over again is just crazy. People think that only the first jump is scary but then you get used to it. That is not true, For each jumps come a different experience that is incomparable. You have to think that you are risking your life each time, and a single mistake could be your last one. This a hard thing to have in your head but when you are taking a test in school, you realize how unimportant it is not to know the answer to a question because you know that your life is not at stake. When in the air, you develop this kind of connection with the world around. You feel the forces of nature on your body such as gravity, friction, air resistance, and they all have a big impact on you at this moment. When I am back down, I try to apply these principles in my every day life.
In the beginning of this clip, it shows you a view from the street and how dense the frame is. There are big buildings around you, you feel suffocated but there is a little window in the middle that might just let you escape, and its pointing towards the sky. The man on the video is a peace with the world. His body and the forces of nature are one entity. He learned to master them by understanding them which is possibly the hardest thing to do. moving only one toe or one finger will create an instability and this man uses this to his advantage to create these freestyle moves that are just amazing and create a whole new kind of art/dance which are pleasant to watch.
Notice how he slowly moves, his arms, legs, and head to move around. The music also creates a very peaceful mood to show you how good it feels to be up there.
It is an exciting clip, and a very good blog. You express yourself well.