My avatar is Lady Gaga. I have chosen her as a projection of myself as well as someone I aspire to be. Although she may seem crazy and strange, she has many good qualities. She is very driven in terms of her career, and went after her dream, which I am trying to do as well. Lady Gaga worked her way up to become the megastar she is, which I hope to do with my future career. She is a great inspiration to so many people, which I hope to do too, and have always tried to do my entire life. She is very sweet and caring to her fans, and connects with them through websites such as Twitter and YouTube, even when she is busy on tour. I also try to connect with many people and keep up with them:
Lady Gaga is not afraid to be herself and does not care what other people think. She wears whatever she wants, and tries new things everyday. She mainly wants to help people through her music, which I want to do in my career, whatever it may be. Gaga is also a very emotional person, and she shows this through her music and at her concerts. She is a very strong person who can get bogged down by life, but overall she sticks through everything and continues to pursue what she wants in life. I work towards this every day in my life, and hope to one day achieve my dream, just as Gaga did.
What do you mean by very emotional person? Usually that phrase has a negative connotation.