An Avatar is a projection of one’s true self; their innermost thoughts and desires. It is an object or image that they cannot use on a daily basis to define themselves, but will come closest in doing so. When I had to think of my avatar, the process was short. I knew immediately what best represented me. For my avatar I chose an Elephant.
Elephants are the largest mammals walking the Earth’s surface. And while the larger the size of a person or an object usually receives negative connotation, Elephants have always been noted for their graceful nature. They are playful, family oriented and loving. Being tall myself, I have always stood out amongst my friends and family and can take comfort in the idea of height being associated with grace and poise.
Females are always the head of the pack. Their strength and determination drive their families and enable them the right of holding the position as backbone. The females are trained from a young age to be defensive, strong protectors that would give their lives for those closest to them.
They are also highly intelligent. I was told from a young age that I had the memory of an elephant. I take pride in having the ability to recall details that are commonly lost with time. Subsequently, science has proven repeatedly that elephants can recall their earliest memories after 45-60 years of life.
In short, they are fun-loving, adventurous, loving protectors. Above all, they are unique from any other animal on the planet. Their only ancestor is the woolly mammoth. The characteristics of the elephant have been attached to me from a young age. Their big heart and spirit are what attracts me to them most. For these reasons and many more, I consider myself the elephant.
I like the idea that females are the heads of the pack because men often do such a lousy job.