Sunday, October 3, 2010



First of all, I overall did not like this movie. The movie already had a bad start with me after I had seen just a few scenes from the Beowulf that had real actors playing the roles. The CGI just makes me feel like I'm watching a video game and I forgot my controller. Not to mention the character Grendal is almost too disgusting to even watch. I know he was supposed to play a monster but the version where Grendal was played by a human actor was so much easier and better to watch. Also, I like how the older version explained why Grendal was so upset with the humans right at the beginning of the film. If I could change one thing about a scene from the film it would be the fighting scene between Grendal and Beowulf. First off I don't know why they made him naked. The fact that there is always an object that happens to always be covering his privates just makes the scene cheazy and not to be taken seriously. Also because Beowulf is jumping all over the place and running pretty much on the ceiling makes the scene even less believable as if the CGI wasn't enough. I would also want the scene not to end with just the monsters arm being cut off it was disappointing.

mise en scene:
dominant: The dominant in this scene is obviously Beowolf because he is the one your eye follows the most in the scene and the one the audience is rooting for.
proxemics: the camera proxemics are social
color values: the color values are very dark and looks like its lit with only fire light
character placement: Beowulf moves around all over the place while Grendal mostly stands in the doorway while Beowulf battles him

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, it is not rocket science. Use only your last name in the title of the blog--Put it first Tucker Beowulf Blog. You also need a label. That label should contain your full name: Olivia Tucker, beowulf, animation, cgi, etc.He fought naked because he brought nothing but his body to the fight. He says that to his men.
