Sunday, October 3, 2010


When I watch a movie, it’s very important for me to feel connected to the characters so I can be drawn in. Beowulf completely fails to do this. I think the use of CGI can be to blame for this. Everything looks fake and completely defeats the purpose of a movie. In any good movie, the audience will feel something for the characters and feel like it’s real. I think making an entire movie out of CGI was a bad call.

In the opening scene, I was immediately annoyed. All I could do was laugh during the scene where Grendel first attacks the village. He makes this horrible noise that made me cheer when Beowulf finally killed him. It looked like something out of a video game. He begins to rip people’s heads off and kill people. but it all looks very fake and cheesy.

I didn’t feel bad for any of the characters and I found the accents confusing. Everyone sounds like they’re from somewhere different. Grendel’s mother sounds like she could be from a different planet with how weird her accent is. The king’s accent doesn’t make much sense either.

There were parts of the movie where I found myself thinking, “What the hell does this have to do with anything?” Why did Grendel’s mother sleep with Beowulf? What did that have to anything? I think the director got a little happy that they could do whatever they want with CGI. Why else would you randomly make a fake sex scene with a fake Angelina Jolie?

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about characterization. Digitalized humans just don't have any emotions.
